open choice non hartford residents

Open Choice Program for Non-Hartford Residents

Grades K-8

The Open Choice Program for non-Hartford residents allows students living outside of Hartford to attend certain non-magnet public schools in Hartford from kindergarten through the final grade at the school. This program includes specialized programming tailored to enhance students' educational experiences.

Open Choice for Non-Hartford Residents Application Tips

Make sure you’re eligible.

Non-Hartford residents entering kindergarten through 6th grade (depending on the school’s grade offerings) can apply. Once a student is enrolled in an Open Choice school, they can remain enrolled through the final grade at the school.

Open Choice your top choice?

Apply only to Open Choice to activate the Open Choice Only Priority.
You do not have to apply to the other program options (magnet schools, CTECS).

Applying to the Renzulli Gifted and Talented Academy?

Please complete this separate application.

Have a placement priority?

Make the school with a priority your first choice for the best chance of a placement.

Applicable placement priorities:

  • Former Resident
  • Enrolled Siblings
  • Placed Siblings
  • Open Choice Only

Ready to get started?

The RSCO Late Application will Open the week of March 10, 2025.